ComRȁde PyRate

Sunday 8 March 2015

Now Reporting Suicidal Posts on Facebook is a Lot Easier

Since past few years, Facebook has grown out of the social media site and has become an integral part of your lives. You hate it or like it, Facebook plays an important role to keep you connected with the people you love and you follow. Facebook has now decided to improve the way it assists its users when there is a need for help by reporting suicidal posts on Facebook. It rolled out a lengthy way to flag suicidal posts in 2011. Now, Facebook is trying to make its suicide prevention measures usable and easy.
Facebook Product Manager Rob Boyle and Safety Specialist Nicole Staubi has written a Facebook post in which they tell that a trained team will be reports of suicidal posts on Facebook and on finding it necessary, it will be sending out notifications partnering with government or NGO resources like National Suicide Prevention Lifeline hotline.
Earlier the users were required to upload screenshots and links of the suicidal posts on Facebook to the official Facebook suicide prevention page.

How new system to report suicidal posts on Facebook works?

Now, if you see a post which might appear suicidal, you can report that post to Facebook. This reporting will trigger a different kind of responses. After flagging the suicidal post of your friend, you will be given the choice to message the suicidal person, message another Facebook friend for advice and support or you can connect with a professional at some suicide helpline.
Now Facebook will do its part. It will review the reported suicidal posts on Facebook and if it appears noteworthy, different support options will be shown to the potentially suicidal person when he/she logs onto Facebook next time. These measures also include videos and online programs to help that person with the advanced coping strategies.
“Often, friends and family who are the observers in this situation don’t know what to do. They’re concerned, but they’re worried about saying the wrong thing or somehow making it worse. Socially, mental illness and thoughts about suicide are just not something we talk about,” said Holly Hetherington, a Facebook content strategist working on the project.

World’s biggest social media site Facebook has more around 1.5 billion users and in partnership with the Forefront: Innovations in Suicide Prevention to support suicidal people. This feature will be initially launched in the US and Facebook has vowed to spread this tool other parts of the world soon.
Also, recently Facebook launched its initiative in India to provide basic internet services for free to the users.

Danger ahead : Facebook’s new privacy policy lets it track you even when you are not on Facebook

Facebook is making users sign up for new privacy policy that allows it to track users everywhere on the Internet

This is really bad news for privacy lovers.  Facebook has just updated its privacy policy which allows Facebook to track you, the Facebook user activity even after you have left Facebook website to surf other pages. And more over you have already agreed to it without realizing it.
Facebooks new policy allows it to gather data about you, from across the internet. This is in addition to the normal data it generally gathers when you post something or add friends to your network.  The new privacy policy has such provisions that, Facebook now pass this information with its subsidiaries like WhatsApp and Instagram.
Readers may not know that Facebook had already announced the new privacy policy last November but it is being implemented from Friday.  You may be surprised as to why Facebook did not notify you, but it so happens that you are deemed to have agreed to the new policy once you log into Facebook.
Facebook management says that the new policy will help it tabulate data which can be used to serve precision adverts to the users and avoid serving unwanted information to them.
The saving grace is that you can opt out for some parts of the new policy by customising privacy settings. You can visit Facebook website settings page here and opt out of advertising that is shown on third party sites or is selected by comparing you with your friends.
If you want to opt out of Facebook tracking your use when you are not on Facebook, you can opt out by visiting individual pages listed in the privacy settings page for respective countries.
Danger ahead : Facebook's new privacy policy lets it track you even when you are not on Facebook
Facebook says that users can do so even from their mobile and tablet screens and the settings is will be treated as same across the board.

Saturday 7 March 2015

This Facebook hack by an Irish Priest just got hilarious

 This Facebook hack by an Irish Priest just got hilarious


We keep reading about all kinds of dirty hacks which usually lead to some kind of damage. The hero of this hack will however be having a laugh of his lifetime.

A young man named Andrew recently received what may be the holiest fraping ever. It so happened that Andrew visited mass at a Church and forgot his smartphone there. Luckily for him, the smartphone was found by Father P McMohan who was quick to open Andrew’s Facebook page and assure him that the phone was in safe hands and he could collect it at the cathedral.
However before ending the post, Father McMohan posted a selfie of all the reverend at the church just to make a point.
This Facebook-hack by an Irish Priest just got hilarious
The post and the image  quickly went viral and were uploaded to both Reddit and Imgur and has been referred to as “the most Irish Facebook hack ever”.
Andrew should ask Father McMahon to bless his phone while goes to pick it up at Cathedral so he never loses it again… or he could just be more careful.

Thursday 27 November 2014

How to select all friends at once to invite friends on Facebook

Facebook invites are useful to invite your friends to view your website or to like your new Facebook page, you will see friends invite almost everywhere in Facebook.  Facebook invites are useful but a sometimes a hard job if you have large number of friends like me,
 i have 2525 friends on Facebook and thus it was very

difficult for me to invite friends one by one.When i started learning JavaScript, i came to know that we can easily select all check boxes by making a small JavaScript command line. 

But before we start, make sure you are using Google Chrome or Firefox, they are good and major browsers, so using them makes sure that it will not create any problems. I will explain it in step by step procedures.

  1. Open Google Chrome 
  2. Now open any event etc. where you can invite your friends
  3. Now scroll down until all your friends appears in the box
  4. Press CTRL+SHIFT+J (for Chrome), CTRL+SHIFT+K (for FireFox) 
  5. A window will open in bottom or top of the browser
  6. Paste this line of JavaScript code in the console
javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

After pasting click enter, now wait for a minute and and when all friends are selected click on send, if you have large number of friends it may take about 1 - 2 minutes for successfully sending the invites .

Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments. © Comrade Pyrate

Trick to Post Empty Status on Facebook

We usually update our facebook status with a quote or share a line about our day.All of us want to get attention of others to our status.In one of my earlier post I wrote about the trick to Update your facebook status with any
device(blackberry,iphone,ipad etc) .
How would you feel if you see a blank status update from someone? Amazed!!
You can’t write a blank status update by simply pressing the Space key and then clicking on Post button.Instead you have to use special codes to write a blank character in your facebook status.

Trick to Post Empty Status on Facebook:-
  • Login to your Facebook Account and go to Update Status field.
  • Press and hold Alt key and just type 0173.
  • Release Alt Key and click on share Post.
  • That’s all now your empty status will be update.
If the above trick doesn’t work in your account then type   @[0:0: ] in your status share it. 

Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments. © Comrade Pyrate

How to make Your Name Invisible on facebook

Have you ever seen a facebook profile without a name? Are you wondering why can't you see the name or how can it can be possible? Well, currently this is the very popular facebook trick and many facebook users are using it. Do you want to make your facebook name invisible too? Then go through this article.

Here we will use other proxy server (Indonesian) and some tweaks. Just follow these simple steps:
  1. First of all open Mozilla Firefox
  2. Click on Tools >> Options >> Advanced >> Settings
  3. Now click on Manual proxy Configuration >> HTTP Proxy
  4. Paste or in HTTP Proxy
  5. Paste 8080 in Port.
  6. Click OK and OK
  7. Now open your Facebook account >> Account Setting
  8. Scroll down and change the language from "English (US)" to "Bahasa Indonesia"
  9. Change your name to RﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞM you need to copy this code from here and paste it.
  10. Now Remove the Letter "R" and "M" then enter your password and click to Save.
  11. After completing all above steps select your system proxy and chance your Facebook language back to "English (US)"
You are done!
With this trick you can also hide your surname on facebook. Do let me know your experience with this trick :)

Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments. © Comrade Pyrate

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages,Photos and Videos

Retrieve Deleted Facebook MessagesHey guys apologize for not updating Smarttricks with Fresh Content Regularly in Recent times. But there is a Good News, because i am back with yet another Facebook Trick. Today we will see How to Recover deleted facebook messages,Photos and Videos and much more on facebook.

Basically its a Facebook Feature which not many people are aware of and hence i will be writing this tutorial to let you guys know about this amazing feature/Trick that Facebook Provides.

Many a times We Delete Messages,Photos or Vidoes from our profile which is not intentional but once we do , we can not undo it. and its gone forever.
But wait, There is a saying: Nothing is Lost, until MOM can’t find it, Likewise in this case even if you delete anything from your facebook account, you can get it back. Facebook have all your data in their archive which you can download tOO.

Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages,Photos and Videos

Follow the Below simple steps to Know how you can get back and have access to your deleted messages, photos,Videos and all other data of your facebook profile.
Step 1: First of all,You will have to Click here to open Facebook General account Settings.

Step 2: Once you open your general settings, you will see Download a Copy of your Facebook Data, So click on it to.
Step 3: On the Next page you will see a Download Archive Button, Click on it and you will be prompt to enter your Password to Continue, This is a Security Step by Facebook.

Step 4: After entering your Facebook Password, Click on Submit, On the next screen you will be shown that the download link for your data will be sent to your email id which you used to create your facebook account.

Step 5: Wait for Few Minutes, check your mail. You will see a mail from facebook in your Inbox with Downloading link ready for you to download all your data.

Retrieve Deleted Messages,photos and videos on facebook

Step 6: Now After downloading the file. Unzip it and open the folder where you will find your messages, photos, vidoes. Pokes, Friend list etc.

The Files will be in .html format so you will have to double click on the file and select your Favourite Browser to open the file, the File will open up in your browser where you will have access to all your data..
I Hope this guide will help someone or other who didn’t already know that you can actually Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages,Photos and Videos. Don’t forget to Share it with your friends if you like it and you may even Subscribe for New post, to get directly in your mail inbox.
Enjoy Guys! and don't forget to post your comments. © Comrade Pyrate